Sunday, April 28, 2024

Little House in the Big Woods,by Laura Ingalls Wilder

little house in the big woods

The wagon jolted along on the homeward road through the Big Woods. Thesun set, and the woods grew darker, but before the last of the twilightwas gone the moon rose. When all the trading was done, the storekeeper gave Mary and Laura eacha piece of candy. They were so astonished and so pleased that they juststood looking at their candies. Several girls and boys were playing in the sunshine, in the open spacebetween the store and the houses. They were jumping from one stump tothe next stump and shouting.

The Story of Grandpa and the Panther.

That night while she was washing the supper dishes andMary and Laura were wiping them, Ma told Pa that Laura had tasted thewhey and didn't like it. "The moon is made of green cheese, some people say," she told them. A bit of the rennet, tied in a cloth, was soaking in warm water.


So Pa went again to Uncle Henry's, and came back with a piece of thelittle calf's stomach. It was like a piece of soft, grayish-whiteleather, all ridged and rough on one side. Somebody must kill a calf, for cheese could not be made without rennet,and rennet is the lining of a young calf's stomach. The calf must bevery young, so that it had never eaten anything but milk. When the grass was tall and thick in the woods and the cows were givingplenty of milk, that was the time to make cheese. "Which do you like best, Aunt Lotty," Mary asked, "brown curls, orgolden curls?" Ma had told them to ask that, and Mary was a very goodlittle girl who always did exactly as she was told.


Ma looked pretty, with her bare arms plump and white, her cheeks so redand her dark hair smooth and shining, while she scrubbed and rubbed thecorn in the clear water. She never splashed one drop of water on herpretty dress. The days were growing shorter and the nights were cooler. One night JackFrost passed by, and in the morning there were bright colors here andthere among the green leaves of the Big Woods. They were yellow and scarlet and crimson and goldenand brown. Next day Pa cut the heads from several bundles of the oats, and broughtthe clean, bright, yellow straws to Ma.


When it was cool it would cut in slices, and that washeadcheese. For dinner they ate the stewed pumpkin with their bread. They made itinto pretty shapes on their plates. It was a beautiful color, andsmoothed and molded so prettily with their knives.

little house in the big woods

The barrels of salted fish were in the pantry, and yellow cheeses werestacked on the pantry shelves. Onions were made into long ropes, braided together by their tops, andthen were hung in the attic beside wreaths of red peppers strung onthreads. The pumpkins and the squashes were piled in orange and yellowand green heaps in the attic's corners. Once in the middle of the night Laura woke up and heard the pigsquealing. Pa jumped out of bed, snatched his gun from the wall, and ranoutdoors.


In the Big Woods the snow was beginning to thaw. Bits of it dropped fromthe branches of the trees and made little holes in the softeningsnowbanks below. At noon all the big icicles along the eaves of thelittle house quivered and sparkled in the sunshine, and drops of waterhung trembling at their tips. In the summer they were bathed in water from the spring. But in thewintertime Pa filled and heaped the washtub with clean snow, and on thecookstove it melted to water.

Where Was 'Little House on the Prairie' Filmed? - Collider

Where Was 'Little House on the Prairie' Filmed?.

Posted: Sat, 20 Apr 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

little house in the big woods

Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. Start your 48-hour free trial to unlock this study guide. You'll also get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and more than 350,000 Homework Help questions answered by our experts. In the fall, chores include harvesting the straw, and Charles has asked some men with threshing machines to come help them. Winter comes again—and with it, long and cozy nights of firelight and music. After supper Pa took his gun and went into the woods, and Laura and Marywent to sleep without any stories or music.

If they burned their fingers, that wastheir own fault; they should have minded him. So they put their fingersin their mouths to cool them, and watched Pa make more bullets. They were cosy and comfortable in their little house made of logs, withthe snow drifted around it and the wind crying because it could not getin by the fire.

Ma never allowed themto play with their food at table; they must always eat nicely everythingthat was set before them, leaving nothing on their plates. But she didlet them make the rich, brown, stewed pumpkin into pretty shapes beforethey ate it. When Mr. and Mrs. Huleatt came, they brought Eva and Clarence with them.Eva was a pretty girl, with dark eyes and black curls. She playedcarefully and kept her dress clean and smooth. Mary liked that, butLaura liked better to play with Clarence.

A man sat on top of the horsepower, and when everything was ready heclucked to the horses, and they began to go. They walked around him in acircle, each team pulling on the long stick to which it was hitched, andfollowing the team ahead. As they went around, they stepped carefullyover the tumbling rod, which was tumbling over and over on the ground. There was so much work to do, so many good thingsto eat, so many new things to see.

Under the cherry tree outside the back door Pa had put up the board topress the cheese on. He had cut two grooves the length of the board, andlaid the board on blocks, one end a little higher than the other. In the summer evenings Pa did not tell stories or play the fiddle.Summer days were long, and he was tired after he had worked hard all dayin the fields.

Cost To Build A Home Budget BEFORE You Build

cost to build a house calculator

The cost of purchasing an empty lot will vary depending on a variety of different factors, including the size of the lot and its location. The average cost purchasing land varies widely depending on state and location, but nationwide you can also expect to spend $1,300 – $5,100 on land preparation before breaking ground on construction. Building permit fees are among the lesser costs when it comes to building a new home; however, they should still be considered. Other permit costs include electrical permits, plumbing permits, and HVAC permits. The average cost of a custom home can also vary widely between states.

finished projects

The average cost to pour a concrete foundation is $26,800 for a 2,776-square-foot house, including excavation, foundation, concrete, retaining walls, and backfill. According to the National Association of Home Builders, a general contractor's expenses are $85 per square foot for new home construction. Add overhead, profit, and finishing, and the average cost per square foot to build a house is $100 to $155 depending on the region. If your budget for constructing a new house is only 100,000K you may run into some trouble if you want to build a custom designed home. In most areas, the average cost to build a new 2,000 house is $275,000 – 310,000.

Use our free construction calculators to estimate the cost for your next project

cost to build a house calculator

While paying for an existing property is usually managed through a down payment and a mortgage from a bank, it’s logical to wonder if the same is true for new builds. A construction loan is one of the most common financing options available when you want to build a home. You’ll typically need a high credit score and make a down payment when you apply for the loan. Other alternatives include federal construction loans for active and retired service members, hard money loans, and construction loans backed by the Federal Housing Administration. Whether you're looking for a small two-bed country-style property or sprawling modern farmhouse, you can find a variety of stock plans or pre-designed home plans with features homeowners typically want. Expect to pay $500 to $5,000 for stock plans that'll give you an overall vision of a home while saving you architectural fees.

Find out how much your project will cost.

The cost to build a pole barn house can run as high as $120,000+ depending on many factors. A basic unfinished 2,400-square-foot pole barn shell costs $20,000 to $40,000. The cost of house plans is $500 to $2,500, while an architect will cost an average hourly rate of $60 to $130 per hour, or $2 to $5 per square foot, for the design work.

LA Home Construction LA Home Construction – reliable home construction company experienced in building smart homes to outdoor kitchens, bathrooms and state of the art pools. We provide inspiring and innovative home construction solutions at a fair price. Our expertise in tackling challenging requirements has made us among the best home construction companies in Los Angeles. Meeting the unique needs of our clients and finding the best possible building solutions is what we, at LA Home Construction do best.

cost to build a house calculator

The cost to build a custom home is $200 to $550 per square foot based on the location, design choices, and interior and exterior finishes. When you travel to the Golden State, it's common to drive down a road and see diverse home styles. The price varies between house styles, as some are more complex to build. The range for each style is also substantial because the material choice, location within the state, and home layout all impact the price per square foot. Additionally, whether the home is modular or stick-built also influences the final cost. How much money you should have saved to build a house will be unique to you.

Compared to building a house, buying an existing one off the market is typically a much simpler and faster process. New homes can take several months to build, while the home buying process can be completed in as little as 1 – 2 months. Additionally, building a home usually comes with plenty of stress and lots of decision-making. If you’re looking to spare yourself months of headaches, buying a home might be the easier option.

New home construction costs $100 to $155 per square foot on average with most homeowners paying $155,000 to $416,250, in addition to the cost of your land. Costs vary considerably based on location and all your choices in design and interior and exterior finishes. The total cost of building a custom home can also vary quite a bit depending on the choices you make, the building materials you use, labor costs and even what region of the country you’re in.

How Much Does It Cost to Live in NYC? - Curbed

How Much Does It Cost to Live in NYC?.

Posted: Mon, 22 May 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Plumbing, Electrical, and HVAC

Understanding the challenges and your options can make the process less stressful. Now it’s time to install all the major systems that make your home hum with water, air and electricity. At this stage, plumbing and HVAC systems will be installed, and an electrician will wire your home and get you connected to the power grid. For example, if you have the time and skill to do the painting, you can save up to $10,000.

These connections will need to be professionally inspected, which costs about $8,400. Equipped with precise cost estimates, you can make informed decisions for your project about what to prioritize and how to allocate your resources effectively. Miranda Crace is a Senior Section Editor for the Rocket Companies, bringing a wealth of knowledge about mortgages, personal finance, real estate, and personal loans for over 10 years.

We will include estimated cost ranges for land in the areas you seek along with a high-level budget for the build. Build costs are determined by the design and approach, so there’s potential for a budget above or below what’s provided. If you would prefer to discuss this during a meeting, simply schedule a time from our contact page. Residential construction cost estimating is an imperfect science, since costs can vary significantly by location and seasonality.

Adding extras such as a fence, a pool, a deck, will further increase your total construction cost. First-time homebuyers in Los Angeles County or Orange County can turn to the Southern California Home Financing Authority (SCHFA) for help. The organization offers help with securing a home loan as well as up to 4% down payment assistance in the form of a non-repayable grant. With a non-judicial foreclosure in California, you will get a series of notices that will alert you of the impending steps.

We then analyze this microdata to extract percentiles paid per square foot of conditioned area. Another significant element in the cost to build a house is the price of the land, unless you already own a plot where you would like to build your home. A plot can cost as little as $5,000 in Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada, or as expensive as $2,000,000+ in California or New York.

If you’re curious about buying versus building in your area, talk to local realtors or home builders about the housing market and the costs you might expect. If you use an online cost-to-build-a-house calculator, you’ll notice that construction materials and labor combined account for about 90% of the typical budget. These broad categories can be broken down into many distinct categories to give you a better sense of where your money will go in a project. The remaining 10% covers minor cost factors like site preparation, interior and exterior finishes and optional add-ons such as a finished basement or outdoor spaces.

California Mortgage Calculator

cost to build a house calculator

Home-Cost Instant Cost-to-Build Estimator offers fast, easy and approximate estimates to find out the construction costs to build your new home. One of the first questions anyone looking to build a custom home asks is, “How much will it cost? ” The Buildable Land/Build Calculator aims to give you a high-level description of what to expect.

Develop Plans or Designs

The average labor cost to build a home is roughly 39% of the total build cost and works out to about $34 per square foot. The labor cost for an average 2,776-square-foot home will run about $68,000. Use the cost breakdown below to check bids provided by construction companies. These costs are based on a 2,000-square-foot home built at an average cost of $125 per square foot. Here are the average costs to build a single-family home by square footage. The average cost of building a 3-bedroom house is $248,000 to $310,000, while the cost to build a 4-bedroom house $388,000 to $465,000, and the cost to build a small 2-bedroom home is $93,000 to $155,000.

Discover Your Dream House Plan

It’s important to note that the median size of a new, single-family home in 2022 was 2,383 square feet. The costs involved in building a house can vary depending on several factors, but one of the more expensive costs is usually the interior finishes. This can be anything from fireplaces, countertops, flooring, lighting and much more. “It doesn’t have to be all that dissimilar from a traditional home purchase,” Hartman says. “As soon as you move in, it automatically turns into a standard mortgage, which is pretty competitive,” Hartman adds.

Average Closing Costs by County

When considering material costs, it’s important to consider both exterior finishes and interior finishes as well as installation costs should any item require specifically trained professionals. You'll spend an average of $110 to $300 per square foot on building a home with a basement. Finishing a basement costs an additional $7 to $23 per square foot, while the lower end of the budget will get you a basic finish with inexpensive materials and some lighting and electrical outlets. You can turn the basement into a real living space at the higher end, with multiple rooms, including a bathroom.

The average cost to build a house in California is around $1.35 million. This price is for an average 2,700-square-foot custom-built house and doesn’t include the price of the land. The average range for a house to be built in California will be anywhere from $1 million to $1.68 million. Depending on the home location, customizations, and style, you may pay anywhere from $400,000 to upwards of $2.4 million. Building permit requirements will differ between locations, but on average cost between $1,200 and $2,000. Interior home finishes refer to all the natural and synthetic materials used to cover the interior of a building's frame, and they also add the special touch that'll make your new house a home sweet home.

The material cost to build a house is about $50 per square foot or 42% to 51% of the build cost. The cost to build a house in Los Angeles, California ranges from $140 to $300 per square foot depending on the grade of construction you choose (not including the cost of sitework or land). To get a more accurate cost for your home building project, request a quote. Both the quality and quantity of building materials will impact how much it costs to build a home. Assuming every other factor is the same, a bigger home with high-end materials will almost always cost more than one with a smaller floor plan and more humble finishes.

Building a House by Labor

One of the costs you’ll want to consider during the home-buying process is a home inspection. Before you close the deal on a house, there’s usually a period where you can arrange a home inspection to determine the state of the house and any potential problems with the property. If problems are found, you generally have some negotiating power over the seller for repairs or price. Typical costs range from $200 to $500, with larger houses falling on the higher end of the price range. Some types of mortgages (such as a VA-backed loan) will require additional tests such as termite inspections.

Is It Cheaper To Build Or Buy A House? -

Is It Cheaper To Build Or Buy A House?.

Posted: Fri, 21 Jul 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

How much it really costs to build a house from scratch - The Telegraph

How much it really costs to build a house from scratch.

Posted: Thu, 21 Sep 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Generally speaking, the more bedrooms a home has, the larger it is, so the more it costs to build. Take a look at the typical costs to build a house in California based on the number of bedrooms. These home styles run around $950,000 in California, although it’s common to see numbers above that range. Mediterranean-style homes complement the California coastline and offer a grandeur look. The average cost of an AC unit is $7,400, ranging from $1,500 to $12,400. AC systems are typically a must in California because of the extreme heat in a good portion of the state.

Average New Home Construction Costs

A large portion of your closing costs are paid to the lender and are known as origination fees. This includes underwriting, processing, mortgage broker fee, origination points, document preparation and commitment fees. Additional funding fees or other charges will potentially be added to the total, if you’re getting a VA loan or other specialized type lending option. Lumber, drywall, concrete, and insulation are just some of the materials that go into building a house.

The average cost to build a house is $248,000, or $100 to $155 per square foot depending on your location, the size of the home, and if modern or custom designs are used. New home construction for a 2,000-square-foot home costs $201,000 to $310,000. However, you'll likely be limited on house style, size, and floor plan, so you'll have fewer customization options.

cost to build a house calculator

Let’s break down those costs and how to budget for a home build so you can decide the best route for you. You can avoid overpaying and staying on budget by accurately evaluating your project expenses beforehand. Buying a new construction home can help you obtain the house of your dreams.

You also need to set aside space for fencing on your property line and where your home's utility grid will go. Demand for siding and other building materials has grown over the past year. Prices have gone up 5% to 10% this year, and many parts of the country are experiencing long delivery times. If you're planning a building project, we recommend starting as early as possible in the season, preparing for potential price fluctuations, and allowing extra time to order materials. This personalized estimate will be generated from the inputs you provide.

We also offer completely free and confidential consultations with our team. You will need to contact a lender and figure out what kind of mortgage you will qualify for. The average cost to build a modular prefab home is $80 to $160 per square foot. Of the three types of fabricated building structure options, modular homes are the most expensive, with a 2,500-square-foot home costing $200,000 to $365,000.

While hopeful home buyers can apply for a mortgage loan to finance the purchase of an existing home, home builders don’t typically have that same option. No fixtures will be added at this time; this step is about getting all the behind-the-scenes stuff like pipes and ducts set up. All in all, this process will cost $20,000 – $50,000, depending on size and floor plan, averaging around $35,000. Not only will you have to purchase a plot of land, but you’ll have to have it cleared. With this, Varas adds that it can also be difficult to either own two properties at a time or be in need of a shorter-term rental option such as an Airbnb. “People have to pay for both for their existing home and the new property that they're building,” he explains.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Curtain ideas: 30 styles and tips for every room in the home

curtains design

Emulate designer Victoria Meadows by installing the curtain rod high up to create the impression of height. Your bedroom will feel taller and more grand when you hang curtains about 4 to 6 inches above your window. Create a serene and calming bedroom design by hanging off-white curtains.

curtains design

Ceiling-Height Living Room Curtains

Warm up stark white walls and bold furniture with off-white curtains, as designer Andrew Brown did in the living room of this Alabama home. Make them work twice as hard by placing sleek bookshelves in from of them so that the curtains also act as a backdrop to enticing decor. Instead of a solid color, consider getting curtains with a simple abstract design.

Sophie Pom Pom Embellished Curtain Panel

Should Curtains and Carpet Match? Designers Give Their Verdict on This Design Rule - LivingEtc

Should Curtains and Carpet Match? Designers Give Their Verdict on This Design Rule.

Posted: Mon, 18 Mar 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

The colorful Kooij coffee table and opulent sofas boost the room's overall energetic yet lush feel. Then these curtains, which were made with room darkening yarns, are a good option. We also like that they'll help your space be more energy-efficient, keeping heat in during the winter and out during the summer. If you’re stuck with tiny windows, use curtains to create the illusion of size. Berkus suggests that stylish curtains should feel related to the rest of the space they're hung in. A soft gray shade on the drapery complements the dining chairs in this open living and dining space.

Hide Your Hardware

curtains design

These curtain headings are short duplicates of the fabric, a solid color, or a pattern and made from wood, vinyl, or other materials. If you're having a hard time deciding between two curtain colors, why not try both? A color block design allows you to feature one main color and another as a smaller border along the top or bottom, like this subtle option with neutrals in a small living room designed by Studio DB. Make a bold statement with bright orange curtains and patterned trim, like the ones hanging in this room by that Chenault James designed for House Beautiful's Whole Home in 2019. Constructed of 100 percent cotton, these electric blue curtains provide texture without adding too much heaviness to a living room. Nothing short of luxe, these gray-and-white striped curtains are made of silk and lined with cotton.

Since the vanity and walls are white, the bright shade on these curtains allows them to blend in with the rest of the space. Simple touches like a white orchid plant carry the color throughout the design. For double the style and function, adorn your windows with Roman shades and floor-length drapes. In this neutral living room, Collected Interiors takes the opportunity to pair textured shades with elegant off-white curtains.

The different patterns and styles of print come together to create a unique design that is rich with color and texture, establishing a unique and vibrant atmosphere in the space. Starting with a deep purple at the bottom, moving through to red, pink and orange, this palette of vibrant colors creates a warming and inviting atmosphere. The white used then adds balance to the design, with the curtains a great choice for both bold and more simple interior designs.

Welcome Soft Light with Sheers

Beige, cream, and other neutral colors are best for your minimalist curtains. You’ll want to stay away from most designs unless they’re very subtle. If you’re looking for a way to create visual interest, consider adding a patterned border. There aren’t hard rules for fabric choices, but you won’t want anything too busy. The use of multiple curtains can only create an elevated feeling of texture and softness in the space, but they can be used to create a layered design with a mix of colors, patterns and styles. In this cozy corner of a living room, the Vixen wallpaper and matching Csardas curtains and cushion by Mind The Gap, establish an exuberant, elegant contrast.

Global Curtain Wall Market Forecast 2024-2029: Fierce Competition Spurs Ongoing Innovations in Design, Materials ... - Yahoo Finance

Global Curtain Wall Market Forecast 2024-2029: Fierce Competition Spurs Ongoing Innovations in Design, Materials ....

Posted: Wed, 21 Feb 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

'Create a visual link by choosing complementary tones and combine different weaves, embroideries and prints to add depth. Here, the greens on the wall and the chairs are elevated by the earthy tones seen on the rug and the sophisticated textural weave of 'Firenze' on the curtains, resulting in a seamless design scheme. Having your made-to-measure curtains finished with a leading edge (along the vertical side) in a heavier, darker fabric will not only protect them, it’s another way to introduce a contrasting shade.

Here, designer Kristen Elizabeth achieves a perfect puddle, which means there are an extra few inches of fabric at the floor. These sheer floral pleated curtains let in soft light and have a tonal pattern that pairs nicely with the room's warm, earthy shades. Hung at the ceiling height, they also create the illusion of more light and larger windows.

It’s calming and relaxing to stare into reminders of the simplicity of nature. Curtain fabrics and shades with these gentle patterns are good for kitchens, bedrooms, and bathrooms. Fabrics such as velvet, acrylics, burlap, and thick, drapery materials insulate a window from cold weather drafts or intense damaging sun. Insulating curtains work for room darkening in bedrooms especially for people who work nights and sleep during the day. These pleats are understated for windows that enhance a room instead of highlighting with curtains. Patterned types are made with fabric printed or woven with patterns or theme-related designs.

If you want to add a little bit of interest but don't want to commit to a full-on print, try a set of color-blocked curtain panels. The lower portion helps ground the space, adding a bit of weight, while the more prominent color brings out the soft pink accent color in the wallpaper. Notice also how aligning the lower color block with the window ledge keeps everything proportionate. For a modern and simplistic look, designers are directing homeowners to different types of blinds and shutters with large slats and bold colors. Shutters offer simple operation for window coverings and come made with wood materials that resist moisture.

The Best Living Room Curtain Ideas

curtains design

They hang on a traverse rod so the panels can be moved with a cord or curtain pull. Decorative rods with ornate ends and matching decorative rings add additional artistic flair to pleated curtains. Pleats fit traditional or formal room design styles and are made with thicker fabrics such as velvet, drapery, lined materials, and thick linens. Floor length curtains are popular for shorter windows that typically aren’t opened. This allows a full look in a room where the walls have little décor or artwork. Tall windows with floor length curtains are often paired with valances.

Color Coordinating

Curtains that define and blur spaces. Ye Xiao Xiao, Tea space by Aurora Design The Strength of Architecture From ... - Metalocus

Curtains that define and blur spaces. Ye Xiao Xiao, Tea space by Aurora Design The Strength of Architecture From ....

Posted: Sat, 23 Mar 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Integrating these colors across all elements allows for distinct patterns to sit so closely together in harmony. Many similar patterns can be used across both wallpaper and curtains, with both features able to bring in a beautiful element of texture, color and character into a room. To unite different eras and design styles for a rich and eclectic look, why not use a modern print or color for your curtains in a more traditional, period property. The William Morris printed curtains elevate the use of color, print and texture that radiates throughout the space. Creating a dynamic contrast with the Golden Lily wallpaper from Sanderson Archive, the curtains in this joyful bedroom demonstrate how more is more when it comes to maximalist design. With maximalist botanical wallpaper proving to be quite the trend, why not extend this to your curtain ideas, as shown wonderfully in this stand-out bedroom space by Sanderson Design.

No Demo Reno's Jenn Todryk Is A Sucker For This Kitchen Design Choice - House Digest

No Demo Reno's Jenn Todryk Is A Sucker For This Kitchen Design Choice.

Posted: Tue, 13 Feb 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Faux Roman Shade

Noise reduction types are surprisingly effective with newer fabrics being manufactured that are able to reduce outside noise by almost 80%. Pleated types have gathered fabric at the top, creating a stately tone for formal dining rooms, living rooms, and auxiliary rooms such as a library or a large entertaining room. They are cut to allow the panel to hang at the bottom of the window molding for an outside mount, or at the bottom of the sill for an inside mount. Curtains made from silk hang gently and silk is often used for draping over window tops as a window scarf. Curtains made from polyester are great for living rooms, bedrooms, and family rooms but avoid using them in kitchens. The fibrous texture of linen creates a dust magnet making it tougher to keep clean.

Block light in bedrooms with blackout fabric

curtains design

To ensure the owners of this Nantucket cottage could enjoy some privacy while basking in natural light, designer Kevin Isbell hung them about one-fourth of the way down and inside of the window frame. And whether or not the room features a big wall of full-length windows or one small one, adding curtains can make all the difference in terms of the overall feel—and brightness—of your room. To help you transform your space into a haven for your entire family, we're sharing some of our favorite living room curtains to suit every design aesthetic. After all, fresh window treatments are one of the easiest ways to refresh and revamp your space.

A door curtain can help to create an enhanced feeling of coziness and warmth in a space. Adding texture, pattern and style to your doorway, a fabric curtain can also help with draft exclusion, preventing cold air passing through an entryway. Your curtains should be integral to the rest of your scheme, and not ‘jar’ visually (unless that’s the look you want). The trick is to stick to a palette, like this elegant but strong living room which works with blues and reds.

Euro Pleat Curtains

The camel hue is rich and inviting, but still neutral enough to match just about any interior design style. While the neutral color of these curtains will fit in with almost any living room, the textured lattice work-inspired design adds an extra dose of intrigue. Antiques dealer and designer Jean-Philippe Demeyer called a medieval hunting lodge home. So it’s no surprise that the windows also featured details fit for an aristocrat, like these sumptuous rust-colored draperies. But if you choose to go heavy, make sure you lighten the mood with bright furnishings. For a rustic, layered look, opt for thick, textured fabrics, as designer Ryan Lawson did in this Connecticut Colonial.

Some designs use velcro loops to make them easier to remove for cleaning. However, whether you pool them on the floor is up to personal preference. Panels pull open to each side and several kinds of ties; cloth, metal, or tapestry can pull each panel back to create a symmetrical look.

Curtains on a Brass Rod

curtains design

Curtains are an important part of a room, and your choices should be well-thought out and carefully planned - they can really make or break a scheme. Many modern curtain ideas focus on creating an element of contrast in a space, extending a color palette for a more immersive look, and adding depth and inviting texture to a space. Opt for curtains with a light feel and a simple pattern that won’t take over. A bathroom is meant to be a restful place after all, not one that stimulates with bright color and pattern. On a large, floor-to-ceiling window or door, adding a two tone curtain brings energy into the room.

Cream curtains with fringe trim make the living room in this Bahamian home by designer Matthew Carter feel extra cozy. The pale pink walls in Benjamin Moore’s Precocious and botanical prints boost the room's tropical yet elegant atmosphere. Set against classic blue grasscloth wallpaper and white trim, the soft blue curtains in this room by designer Heather Hilliard add elegance. The floral sofa and the green lucite coffee table are reminiscent of the California home's natural surroundings. Liven up your windows—or walls as Eliza Crater Harris, the chief creative officer of Sister Parish Design, did in her living room—with a bustling botanical print. Plenty of these patterns come in various colors to match your aesthetic, including the Titania fabric seen here.

This living room is a beautiful example of mixing bold colors, striking shapes and contrasting textures to establish an elegant, modernist look. The best material type is the one that suits your chosen room best. A big draughty house will benefit from heavy velvet curtains with lining to create that cosy feel during the cooler months and add a touch of luxury.

Speaking of curtain styles named after faraway places, the French-pleat drape is another style that should be on your design radar. Also known as the three-finger pleat, this option usually has stitching at the center of the ruffle, creating a luxe fullness. Make like Tyler Karu, who mounted the style onto a black metal rod. "Both the rod and the drape style are timeless and classic and lend themselves to an array of textiles, be it pattern, texture, or solid," the Maine-based designer explains. "We use this drapery style and rod combination often, as it doesn't read as dated or trendy."

Panel pair consist of two panels and are commonly found used with classic décor. Perfectly fitted curtains will elevate any living room, and these are made to the exact length of your choosing. The Company Store gives you the opportunity to match your curtains to pillows, ensuring your living room comes together flawlessly. Made of cotton and jute in India, these tab top curtains will look great in any living room.

Here, an all-white room gets its finishing touch with floor-to-ceiling elegant drapery. Paired with creamy furniture and a sheer chandelier, this space feels like dining on a cloud. Believe it or not, gingham is a versatile print that's perfect for curtains. In this living room, the choice of black and white creates a focal point among the shades of green and gray. If you've been longing to test the ombré trend in a small way, take inspiration from this living room's curtains. The white upper portion blends well with the white walls and mantel, while the pink part acts as the perfect complement to the room's blue and gray seating.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

NKOTB News: NKOTB Cruise 2023 themes announced

nkotb cruise 2023

Use of this site constitues acceptance of its Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmited, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Laly York. If you have multiple cards on file, there is a drop down menu to choose which card you want to use. There’s fun everywhere you look, from the dance club (great for people-watching) to the show lounges (great for show-watching). Alchemy Bar serves up not only one-of-a-kind drinks, but a complete experience for your senses. InsuranceInsurance will be available after you make your reservation.

NKOTB Cruise 2023 Announced!

It is VERY IMPORTANT you enter the first name, last name and email address of your cabin mate AS IT IS WRITTEN on their account. This is how we match your cabin mates with their cruise accounts. Make sure of any apostrophes as they must be written the same. For example if their account says O’Brien, you must write O’Brien. On this same page, choose how you heard about the event.


Pre paid cards are not advised, as the billing address must match in order for the card to process. If any card declines your reservation will be in a state of revised, meaning it is not complete. All deposits must be paid within that time period or the whole reservation will be canceled. Confirm your guest details.This information is pulled from your account.If correct click continue. Cancellation PoliciesPlease read the cancellation policies for this chartered cruise. These cancellation policies differ from the standard cruise lines policies.

NKOTB Mixtape Tour 2022 with special guests Salt-N-Pepa, Rick Astley & En Vogue

nkotb cruise 2023

No refunds will be given for denial, removal or quarantine for any reason. On the NKOTB Cruise 2023, unlike the previous one, cruisers will spend two days at sea with the New Kids On The Block. Splitting PaymentsIf you choose to split payments, it will split evenly over all guests. Unless otherwise arranged, the same credit card used to make a payment will be used to make subsequent payments when due.

New Kids on the Block Recreate Group Photo from 35 Years Ago - PEOPLE

New Kids on the Block Recreate Group Photo from 35 Years Ago.

Posted: Mon, 31 Oct 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

If you have more than one credit card on file, please log in to make payments or alert Rose Tours as to which card to use for automatic payments. This is your chance to experience the magic of the MIXTAPE TOUR once again or for the first time. Premiering on January 8, exclusively on @Veeps, your boys from Boston bring along legendary guests @saltnpepaofficial, @envoguemusic and @officialrickastley for this one-of-a-kind concert film experience. You also get an EXCLUSIVE making of the tour DOCUMENTARY that takes you on a journey behind the scenes of how this unique tour was created. Choose if you want to pay for everything or split your payments amongst all guests. Pick your occupancy, or number of guests, in your cabin.

Donnie Wahlberg Arrives to the NKOTB Cruise 2023

Pay For EverythingIf you choose to pay for everything, you’ll be guided to the deposit step. Only categories with availability in that occupancy will be shown. Once you pick you will be given 15 minutes to complete your reservation. The NKOTB Cruise departs from the Port of Miami but guests can fly into either Miami International airport or Ft Lauderdale International Airport. The LE Category does not include any access to the theater events such as Game Show, NKOTB theater Concert, etc. due to seating capacity in the Theatre.

Insurance is sold through and provided by iTravel Insured. More information on coverage and policies can be found here. LE Category Cabins DO INCLUDE 4 nights onboard the Conquest, all meals, access to all GA events on the Lido Deck, a photo session (in groups of 10) with NKOTB and a stop in Half Moon Cay. Due to extreme demand, the Limited Event Access category (LE) cabins have been made available.

ALL NO SHOWS WILL BE ASSESSED A 100% CANCELLATION FEE. Late & Declined Card FeesA $35 fee will be assessed for any declined payments.A $35 fee will be assessed for any late payments received. On April 24th, 1989, the city of Boston declared the day #NKOTBDay and today, we celebrate 34 years of hangin’ tough, loving you forever, dirty dancing, and everything in between. This year, we’ve cooked up some really special things for you to celebrate #NKOTBDay. Head over to our Instagram to see what’s on the Menu for today. The NKOTB Cruise 2023 will set sail again onboard the Carnival Conquest.

Steps To Booking Your Reservation

If you are booking the share program choose “1 Guests”. Fuel SurchargesIn the event that the cost of fuel increases between now and the time we sail, a fuel surcharge will be imposed to each passenger for our sailing. The fuel surcharge will be added to the passenger’s cabin costs. All passengers will be notified via email if such fuel surcharge is added to the cost of your cabin. We are so excited that the NKOTB Cruise 2023 is almost here, and no cruise would be complete without your theme nights.

You can also fill in any notes if you have any and choose a bedding preference. This is a good spot for any special request you may have. We can not guarantee that we can accommodate every request but we do our best. Any payments made online will be deducted from your next payment.

If you make additional payments totaling more than the next scheduled payment amount, the overage will be deducted from your final payment. All guests must abide by Carnival’s health and safety requirements. Carnival also reserves the right to deny boarding for any other reason they see fit.

New Kids on the Block Announce 2024 Magic Summer Tour With Paula Abdul, DJ Jazzy Jeff - Billboard

New Kids on the Block Announce 2024 Magic Summer Tour With Paula Abdul, DJ Jazzy Jeff.

Posted: Mon, 30 Oct 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

If you didn’t get a cabin and still hope to go, the only way to book now is via the waitlist should a cabin open back up. You can not pay less than what you owe.Please make sure your card can pay for the balance. You will be asked to confirm your guests on the following pages.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Norwegian Cruise Line Cruises, 2024, 2025 and 2026 Norwegian Cruises, Destinations, NCL Ships, and Photos for NCL

ncl norwegian cruise line

Stylish and sophisticated appointments enhance these modern rooms. These are just two of the thrilling things you can do in The Bahamas. See the world in a whole new way from your own private balcony. Well-appointed and stylish accommodations offer plenty of room to unwind inside. Leisure days at sea, exciting moonlit nights, and nothing to distract from the journey ahead. Explore Greece as you stroll through sun-bleached, winding streets.

Norwegian Star teen club

This allows it to sail U.S.-only itineraries around the Hawaiian islands. Foreign flagged ships (which most are) must incorporate a stop in a foreign port before they return to the United States. So if you’ve ever wanted to cruise Hawaii, NCL is your choice. Harvest Caye is located in Belize and is often visited on cruises to the western Caribbean. Like Great Stirrup Cay, the island’s big draw is the beach and water. As well, Harvest Caye has a large freshwater pool, as well as a number of bars and restaurants, wildlife exhibits, ziplining, and more to do.


However, in recent years it has made a big push with a lineup of huge new ships. In total, the line has seven new ships in the past decade, with another newbuild on order each year through 2027. Instead, you would earn benefits on future cruises related to your particular elite tier. Ambassador members (700+ points) earn a free 7-night cruise.

Norwegian Cruise Line cruise prices

They feature sit-down dining where you eat your fill with classics ranging from burgers to salads and more. We’d suggest planning to eat in a specialty restaurant at least a couple of times during your cruise. Not only is the food great, but you can pick a style that fits your taste buds. That said, the lower prices for sailing older ships can be tough to ignore.

You’re our first priority.Every time.

It has special features like a three-tier race track, the fastest slides at sea, a food hall with 11 complimentary eateries and a sustainable cocktail bar. We believe everyone should be able to make financial decisions with confidence. Modern, spacious suites perfect for the two of you or the whole family. First-class amenities include large balconies, butlers and more. As the very first Norwegian ship to debut The Haven in 2010, Norwegian Epic is once again making waves in redefining this luxurious enclave. In November 2020, The Haven on Norwegian Epic underwent extensive renovations.

Norwegian is one of the few lines that takes special effort to cater to you. Many ships have solo cabins that aren’t charged a single passenger supplement. They also feature solo-cruiser lounges for socializing with your other solo passengers. New ships are especially modern and gorgeous, and the newer things to do like the go-kart track are lots of fun. Soda Program | $6-8 per day + 20% gratuityIf you have kids or simply like to drink soda, then you can get the Soda Program. Older kids and adults pay $8 per day, while younger kids are charged $6.

Norwegian Cruise Line Launches New Culinary Delights on Norwegian Aqua - Travel Wires

Norwegian Cruise Line Launches New Culinary Delights on Norwegian Aqua.

Posted: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 12:55:53 GMT [source]

If you want to better budget your cruise, then you might want a drink package. This way, you don’t have to worry about a surprise bill at the end of your cruise. As well, NCL charges a 20% gratuity on things like drinks, spa treatments, and specialty restaurants. While most people won’t stay in The Haven during their cruise, it is an important differentiation between Norwegian and other cruise lines. As well, it’s also a sign of the more upscale atmosphere that NCL has for passengers.


Being from Texas, we’ve grown up on BBQ and what we had would fit right in back home. However, what you spend on cruise fare is just a portion of what you’ll spend on your entire cruise. You’ll find plenty of friendly staff, ready to welcome you to the ship and help with anything you need. And because Norwegian is known for its “Freestyle Cruising,” that means you can set your own schedule for dining — taking some of the rigid atmosphere out of mealtime. It is also making an effort to offer more exclusive service and a smaller ship atmosphere with “The Haven” on many vessels.

Norwegian Cruise Line Elevates Culinary Experience on New Norwegian Aqua Ship - Travel And Tour World

Norwegian Cruise Line Elevates Culinary Experience on New Norwegian Aqua Ship.

Posted: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 10:16:52 GMT [source]

- 2025 Caribbean Cruises

Choose from Free Unlimited Open Bar, Free Specialty Dining, Free Airfare for 2nd Guest, Free Shore Excursions, Free WiFi and Free 3rd & 4th Guests. Get the latest cruise deals and vacation specials sent straight to your inbox.

Our modern inside staterooms are highlighted with appointments like a TV, sitting area and more. These stylish staterooms feature fine appointments, which are highlighted by nice touches and clear views of the ocean. Floor-to-ceiling glass doors open to your very own private balcony.

Today you can discover both eras and the modern beauty in this thriving city. What we’d like to see improved is pricing of things on the ship. Norwegian seems to price at a premium, which means the costs you see can be higher than what you’d find on rival lines, especially with drink packages. Corks and Caps Package | $65 per day + 20% gratuityBeer or wine drinker?

ncl norwegian cruise line

Shop from a variety of souvenirs, cosmetics, clothing, snacks and sundry items. Treat yourself at our duty free shops full of fantastic savings on fine jewelry, accessories, perfume, liquor and tobacco. Experience a once-in-a-lifetime moment you will never forget while witnessing the icy-blue glaciers and unique wildlife of Alaska. Walk through Greece's enchanting, sun-bleached streets, or find your own paradise in a secret beach in The Caribbean.

Water sports and intriguing tropical ports highlight the Caribbean region. Glaciel views, incredible wildlife, and once-in-a-lifetime cultural experiences await you on your Alaskan cruise tour with Norwegian Cruise Line. Animals of all kinds, exotic gourmet dishes and unique culture is what you’re bound to find cruising Africa with Norwegian Cruise Line. Enjoy Norwegian Cruise Line's onboard entertainment, including Broadway productions, comedy clubs, dueling pianos and much more. In our opinion, Norwegian is a great all-around cruise line.

If you're looking for a romantic vacation, perhaps you'll want a smaller ship or a cabin in The Haven, which is a hotel-within-a-hotel concept with more personalized service. The Haven is only available on select Norwegian ships, including Encore, Viva and Prima. Its loyalty program, onboard amenities and variety of cabin types offer something for every type of traveler. Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL) is one of the top players in large-ship cruising, and its fleet is seeing one of its biggest refits in decades with its new Prima fleet of ships.

Little House in the Big Woods,by Laura Ingalls Wilder

Table Of Content The Story of Grandpa and the Panther. GOING TO TOWN. THE SUGAR SNOW. Little House Books TWO BIG BEARS. The wagon jolted...