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Revolution is a chemically similar prescription product that can be given as an alternative. The best way to prevent your guinea pig from getting ear mites is to practice good hygiene and avoid sharing personal items with an infected animal. You should also clean your guinea pig’s cage regularly. If you think your pet has ear mites, then it’s important to take them to the vet for treatment. In the meantime, here are some things you should know about ear mites in guinea pigs. It’s a good idea to wash all bedding and fabrics that have been in touch with the pets inside your home.
You just weigh the cavy and measure it into a 1 cc syringe and apply topically. Chinchillas make adorable pets, as they look like a cross between a kitten, a rabbit, and a rat. They have thick but soft furry coats, long whiskers, and sweet temperaments.
Guidelines for Keeping Guinea Pigs as Pets
If you have more than one pet, you’ll need to have them all treated for mites. With a very heavy infestation, however, some guinea pig mites may get lost on humans. Thorough hand washing after contact with the animal, cleaning out, etc. can be a good preventative measure here. Since guinea pigs are quite prone to lice and mite infestations, habitual health checks must be conducted. In most cases, once the mites are gone, your guinea pig’s hair will start to grow back.

Most flea medications have ingredients that make them poisonous to guinea pigs. If you suspect that your pig has lice or mites, don't just use flea medication on them. All guinea pig mite medicine and at-home treatments should be approved by an experienced veterinarian. Thus, it’s important to find a veterinarian with experience in treating guinea pigs. Chirodiscoides caviae are a common type of mite that typically do not cause serious symptoms. They may cause minor skin irritation, or they may cause no clinical signs at all.
Where People & Piggies Thrive
A simple ear swab can help identify mites early on before they have a chance to cause serious problems. Look through their fur and part the hair in the predilection places for mites. If you are not sure, you can always go to a vet to have your guinea pig checked. To completely eliminate the problem, several treatments are required.

They have more accurate methods of detecting mites in guinea pigs. If you think your guinea pig has mites, take them to the vet as soon as possible. Your vet will be able to diagnose the problem and prescribe the appropriate treatment. If you have more than one guinea pig, you have to isolate other guinea pigs to prevent the mites from spreading. If you have a mite infestation in your home, you must take steps to control the spread of the mites.
mite treatment
Much easier than trying to stick a needle into a pack or squirt it into another container and draw it out. Also if you get it on your fingers it rubs off the numbers on the syringe making it hard to read. They had their injections of ivermeticn from the vet he also gave me Hibi Scrub Antimicrobial skin cleanser to wash them in.

These drugs are safe in guinea pigs, but should ONLY be used under the guidance of a veterinarian familiar with guinea pigs. You’ll have to book an appointment at your local veterinary clinic so you can take your pet in to be examined. The vet will check your guinea pig’s fur to see if there are mites or other parasites or fungi there. They may already find the issue, but if not, they will take a skin culture sample to be tested. Coconut oil has proven itself as a home remedy for mites in guinea pigs.
It is safe to use on young pigs who have reached at least 12 ounces in weight. Remember that any herbal or “natural” remedy cannot be used by itself to completely resolve the problem. You should rely on the medications described below to cure the underlying issues of infestation. Vitamin C is needed for maintaining skin health, especially the healing of wounds, and it boosts the nervous system for fighting off diseases. If you want to go the natural route, one helpful option is to use neem oil, which has traditionally been used as an insect repellent.
The adult forms can grow up to 1.5 mm and be seen with a naked eye. They are thin with no wings and resemble tiny white ants. Give the guinea pig plenty of Vitamin C. Vitamin C can help boost your guinea pig's immune system and help it fight off mites more effectively. You can add a Vitamin C supplement to its water or feed it foods like citrus and leafy greens.
Otodectes cynotis is another common type of ear mite, and it is characterized by reddish-brown bumps on the skin. These bumps are usually found on the face, ears, and neck. Your veterinarian may also recommend topical flea powders, premise sprays, or even professional pest exterminators. Before considering any of these treatments, be sure to ask your veterinarian about using them safely. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could greet our guinea pigs with those words each morning?
Shampoos with broad antimicrobic properties and soothing effects can also be used at home. Decreased itchiness and flaking indicates that the infestation is under control. Luckily this type of rash is self-limiting and disappears once the direct contact is avoided or the pet is successfully treated. They attach to the hair shaft around the neck, ears, head, and rear of the pet to absorb fluids.
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