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Sarcoptic mange mites are a type of mite that can infest guinea pigs. These mites feed on the skin of their host, usually causing a secondary bacterial skin infection. Sarcoptic mange mites can also be passed to other animals, so it’s important to treat these mange mites as soon as possible.

They often contain pesticides and a small organism like Guinea Pigs have can not handle that. We’ve had the best experience using Advocate from Bayerfor small cats. Fur mites can be handled with some organic spot-on product like Amertaquite good.
How Often Should You Clean a Guinea Pigs Cage? (And How?)
A simple ear swab can help identify mites early on before they have a chance to cause serious problems. Look through their fur and part the hair in the predilection places for mites. If you are not sure, you can always go to a vet to have your guinea pig checked. To completely eliminate the problem, several treatments are required.
If left untreated, mites can lead to serious health problems, including anemia and weight loss. However, with early treatment, most guinea pigs will make a full recovery. That is why you need to treat guinea pig mites as soon as you notice them. With early treatment, most guinea pigs will make a full recovery, but if the infestation is left untreated, it can quickly turn deadly.
How Do Guinea Pigs Get Mites?
Death can also occur because guinea pigs become dehydrated from their sores and are unable to eat because of the stress from the ordeal. Mites are small parasitic insects that can be found on many types of house pets, including dogs and cats. Your guinea pig can have any of these two types of mites. Whichever it is, you have to ensure that you need to treat it in the right way. Read on to know more about these mites on guinea pigs and how you can get rid of them effectively.

Skin scraping are not accurate and in my opinion pigs should be treated as a precautionary measure. I spent $24 all together and have enough Ivermectin to probaly treat every pig in my county. If you are uncertain on how to do it yourself GL has some great rescue members that are pros at treating for mites. If you need a link I will give you one for the rub on .
What is the difference between guinea pig lice and mites?
If treating for guinea pig lice and mites doesn't resolve your buddy's discomfort, there may be other issues at play. Fungus can cause bald patches, scaly skin, and hair loss. A vet will be able to tell the difference, and will likely recommend an anti-fungal cream or shampoo, or give oral medication for severe outbreaks. Microscopic mites can be hard to spot, even through skin scrapings. The vet will likely diagnose the guinea pig based on symptoms (itching, hair loss, skin irritation, etc.). The most common medicine for both mites and lice is Ivermectin.

The most common way people contract mites from guinea pigs is by direct contact with an infected animal. The mites can also be transmitted indirectly, for example by coming into contact with contaminated bedding or cage material. Guinea pig ear mites can be identified by their small, black bodies. They are most often found in the guinea pig’s ears, but they can also be found on the skin around the ears. These are called ear mites, and they’re tiny parasitic creatures that live off the wax and oils in an animal’s ear. While they’re not dangerous to humans, they can cause a lot of irritation and discomfort for your guinea pig.
What Do Guinea Pig Mites Look Like?
If your guinea pig has bald patches and is biting its skin, it likely has sarcoptic mites. These mites burrow under your guinea pig's skin and cause itching and pain, which your pig will try to get rid of by biting their skin. Take your pig to the vet right away if you notice this behavior. Mites are parasites who always live with us and your pets like Guinea Pigs also.
Skin scrapings aren't very accurate with diagnosing mites. I would treat her with ivermectin anyway, it's most likely mites. Very silly to use revolution because you think ivermectin is harmful.
Different types of guinea pig mites have a different appearance. Some of them are bigger and can be spotted with a naked eye, while others can only be seen under a microscope. Mites are small arthropods and belongs to the class of Arachnida.
They will be happier and more relaxed if they have another guinea pig living with them. Make sure that it has plenty of time to unwind after a play session. The most important steps to take at home involve cleaning and preventing re-infestation – as discussed below.
Note, however, that these symptoms are less severe in animals with consistent grooming routines and normal immune responses. They are more severe in very young, very old, pregnant, and animals exposed to poor environmental conditions. Extended periods of constant itching break open the skin to create lesions, like bald patches, dandruff-like flaking, and open sores, leading to infection. Both are spread by proximity to an infested animal or by living in contaminated hay. Hi, my name is Marshall, I have owned over 20 dogs over the last 40 years across many different breeds.

Besides this, there are several other signs that can also point toward mites in guinea pigs. Once done, you must then observe the symptoms or take your guinea pig to the vet. Don’t follow anti-flea medication since such treatments tend to contain poisonous ingredients. These are just a few of the questions that people often have about guinea pig mites.
However, this is not always an effective method since it may not remove all the eggs and does not address the itching directly. The effectiveness of treatment depends on how much you use, how often you apply it, and the sensitivity of the guinea pig you apply it to. Be sure to talk to your vet about these specific factors.
My parents won't allow me to buy ivermectin as they believe that it may harm them. Now if I buy the kitten and puppies revolution how much do I use on each pig? I've been looking at the GL dosing on revolution and I am even more confused! I will be getting the 60mg tubes as it is not so strong and it has worked for me before. Your password reset link appears to be invalid or expired. Guinea pigs are social creatures that also enjoy their time with other cavies, so it’s best to keep them in pairs.